
Almost Doesn’t Count

At a small local bar, Nathan, Sam and Jesse meet up with Sully. He doesn’t speak, he only drinks his whiskey and the silence is deafening. After about the 5th shot he finally asks, “Tell me…one more time…how…did you…LOSE…the jeep?”

Nathan awkwardly says, “Well…see…this is what happened…we-“

Sullivan says, “Shut up,” and downs another shot of whiskey. He says, “It was a god damn prototype Nate.”

Nathan says, “I know-“

Sullivan cuts him off and says, “From a god damn arms dealer.”

Nathan says, “I know. We just-“

Sullivan cuts him off again and says, “We can’t just go to the local dealership and get another one.”

Sam comes to Nate’s rescue and says, “So we’ll just have to figure something out.”

Sullivan says, “Figure something out? I owe people money. I can’t afford to lose money on this deal, so what we need to figure out is how not to lose money on this deal.”

Sam says, “Alright, let’s start there.” He pauses to think then turns to Nathan and asks, “Didn’t you say we could probably make a copy of the key?”

Nathan says, “Yeah, but look at this metal.” He takes the key out of his pocket and shows it to his teammates and says, “There’s no way we can copy this metal.”

The key shines in the light and there are tiny veins of light moving throughout the key.

Jesse says, “What the hell is that made out of?”

Sam says, “It doesn’t matter. We don’t have to copy the metal. Just fool them long enough to get paid and get out.”

Jesse says, “That’ll only work if they don’t know what the key looks like so that’s hella risky. We could be walking into our own funeral and not even know it.

Sam disagrees and says, “So we just make up some bullshit story about how someone else got there before we did.”

Jesse strongly disagrees and says, “Da Fuck Sam! Are you trying to get us killed?”

Impatient, Sam says, “For once, will you stop running scared?”

Sullivan says to Sam, “No. He’s right Sam. We can’t risk our lives on this deal.” He shakes his head and continues to say, “It’s too risky. But maybe we could sell something else.” Then turns to Jesse and asks, “Hey, Jesse? How much of that C4 do we have left? Maybe we can sell some of that.”

Jesse makes a few awkward facial expressions and answers by chugging his beer.

Sullivan says, “God damnit Jesse. How much C4 did you use?”

Sam says, “That reminds me, I need to kick your ass for that bullshit.”

Nathan says, “Can we stay focused? We can’t copy the key, but that doesn’t mean we can’t sell it twice.” He puts the key back in his pocket.

The whole team looks at Nathan in shock. They all knew what he meant and didn’t like the idea.

Sam asks Nathan, “You wanna do another resteal?”

Uneasy, Jesse shakes his head and says, “Bruh, I don’t know.”

Sullivan says, “Last time you almost didn’t make it out.”

Nathan says, “Yeah, but I made it out. If anything, we’ve learned from the last time. All we need to do is stake out the drop location and have an escape route.”

Clearly showing signs of discomfort, Sullivan downs another shot and says, “I don’t know kid. A lot could go wrong.”

Nathan says, “A lot already has gone wrong. Listen, Talbot doesn’t know we have the key right?”

Sullivan says, “Right.”

Nathan says, “So, that gives us time to set up a resteal. Last time, we didn’t have time to set up it right, but this time we do and we can use it to our advantage.”

The team sits quietly for a bit. Sam breaks the silence and says, “It could work. We have the time so we could set it up right.”

Nathan says, “Exactly. All we need is a second buyer.”

Sullivan says, “I can find us another buyer.” He looks towards Sam and Jesse and asks, “Can you guys set up the resteal at the drop location?”

Sam says, “Easy. All we need is the drop location.”

Jesse says, “And some C4.”

Irritated, Sam says, “Mother fucker I swear to god-“

Jesse laughs and says, “Calm down. I’m joking. This is gonna work. We got this.”

Jesse raises his glass and says, “To the resteal?”

Nathan raises his glass to Jesse’s and says, “To the resteal.” Sam and Sullivan follow and they all drink together. Finally, they all feel they can relax a bit. Jesse notices a woman sitting at a table in the corner of the bar showing interest in Nathan.

Jesse nudges Nathan and says, “Hey, the lady over there is checking you out.”

They all casually look at her while pretending to have conversation. She’s a beautiful short, slim brunette with a natural tan. She’s not showing too much skin, but enough to know what she has to offer. Basically, she’s soft and firm in all the right places.

Sam says, “Oh yeah. I’d go for that.”

Nathan puts his hands up and says, “Well, I’m out.”

Surprised, Sully says, “What?! She’s gorgeous.”

Nathan explains, “If Sam would go for her, that means something’s wrong with her. She probably ran out of her medication or something.” Nathan takes a drink from his glass.

Sam says, “Hey!”

Jesse says, “Psychos are good in bed Nate.”

Sam says “Psycho?”

Ignoring Sam, Sully says, “You’re not marrying her. Just hit it and quit it. What’s wrong with you?”

Sam says, “Crissy was not crazy.”

Finally acknowledging Sam, Jesse says, “Ok, so then you know who we’re talking about.”

Sully says, “Fine, if you don’t want her, I’ll go for it.” Sully stands up as he finishes his last shot of whisky. Nathan stands up right after him, puts his hand on Sully’s shoulder and pushes him back down then says, “I’ve got this.”

Sully says, “That’s my boy.”

Smiling, Nathan says, “Shut up.”

Nathan walks over to the lady’s table. Before he can say anything, the lady says, “Took you long enough.”

Nathan is shocked by her beautiful Australian accent, but quickly recovers and says, “Sorry, I had to put the boys to bed.” Nathan takes a seat.

Lady: “Oh? Are they tired?”

Nathan: “Well sometimes they can get a little restless at night. They just can’t seem to settle down.”

Lady: “Maybe they need a little help.”

Nathan: “I wouldn’t mind a lot of help.” He grins and continues to ask, “What’s your name?”

Lady: “Does it matter?”

Nathan: “That depends.”

Lady: “On what?”

Nathan: “On what you want for breakfast.”

Lady: “Eh…I’m more into midnight snacks.”

Nathan: “What do you like to snack on?”

Lady: “Anything hard and crunchy.”

Nathan: “I can handle that.”

Lady: “I’m sure you could.” She looks down towards his belt then continues on to say, “You wanna get out of here?”

Nathan: “I could go. Where we goin?”

Lady: “I have a place across the street.”

Nathan: “That’s convenient.”

Lady: “You have no idea.”

The Lady stands up to leave and Nathan stands up after her. Seductively, she puts her arms underneath Nathan’s shirt, pulls him close and kisses him, while reaching into his pocket and taking the key.

Then she says, “Why don’t you finish putting the boys to bed. I’ll meet you out front.”

In a daze, Nathan says, “Sure.”

The Lady walks out the front door and Nathan returns to Sam, Sully and Jesse.

Jesse says, “That went better than expected.”

Sam agrees and says, “No kidding.”

Nathan says, “Oh ye of little faith. She’s got a place across the street. Meet you guys tomorrow?”

Sully says, “That’ll work. Give me the key…just in case.”

Nathan says, “Sure thing.” He reaches for the key but can’t find it. He looks towards the door and says, “Oh shit.”

Irritated, Sully says, “God damnit Nate!”

Everybody rushes from the table to go outside. She’s nowhere to be found.

Sam says, “She couldn’t have gone far.” He stands on a nearby bench looks both directions and says, “I don’t see anything speeding away.”

Nathan says, “And I don’t hear any motors either. She’s on foot.”

Sam says, “Right. Maybe we can catch her if we split up. Jesse, you and I are going on foot. Sully, you and Nate take the car.”

Sam and Jesse go one way, while Sully and Nate go the other way. Sully drives crazy fast, up and down the streets. His drunken panic attack has him turning left, right, then right again at lightning speeds. This makes Nathan nauseous, so he says to Sully, “Let me out of the car. I think I’m going to be sick.”

Sully says, “We don’t have time for this Nate.”

Nathan replies, “No, we don’t have time for this.” Nathan lets out a dry heave then continues to say, “Your driving is making me sick.”

Sully looks at Nathan while speeding over a hill. Nathan continues to say, “Do you want me to puke all over this car?” Sully comes to a screeching halt and Nathan gets out of the car and says, “I’m gonna check down this alley. I’ll call you if I need you.”

Sully says, “Watch your ass kid,” then drives off.

Nathan jogs down an alley, then the next and finds nothing, but his nausea never wanes. Down the next alley the smell of the garbage sends his nausea to the limit. He goes behind a nearby dumpster and pukes.

A woman walks past him and asks, “What’s wrong darling? Too much of a good time?”

Nathan recognizes the voice immediately as the lady from the bar. He turns to face her and answers, “You could say that.”

She recognizes him and starts running away. Nathan chases her but is in no condition to catch her. He picks up a boot in the alley and throws it at her. It’s a terrible throw and it lands right in front of her feet. It’s just enough to trip her and she falls. Nathan catches her and they wrestle on the ground. She puts up a good fight, biting and scratching until she flips him and he’s pinned to the ground. Nathan has no choice but to call for help.

Nathan yells, “Sully! Sully!! I’ve got her. Help!”

The Lady gets up and runs, he chases her, she anticipates the chase and stops mid stride to hit him hard with an elbow to his stomach, immediately dropping him to the ground. She takes off running towards the street only to be stopped by Sully’s car. He points his gun at her and says, “I don’t want to shoot you, but I will.”

The Lady says, “Shit,” stops running and puts her hands in the air.

Nathan is puking in the alley again. Sully looks over at him and asks, “You ok Nate?”

Nathan gets up and says, “I’m alright. Thank god you heard me.”

Sully says, “I didn’t hear anything. What did you say?”

Annoyed, Nathan says, “I was calling for help.”

Sully says, “Sorry kid. Must’ve missed it.” Sully uses plastic zip strings to tie the lady’s hands together.

Confused, Nathan asks, “Why did you turn back?”

While putting the lady in the back seat of the car, Sully answers, “I didn’t turn back. I got lost.”

Nathan says, “Seriously?!”

Sully says, “Come on. Let’s go find Sam and Jesse.”

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