Uhura Ruth

Charlie Cutter

As a brilliant student at Oxford University, Charlie Cutter had grand dreams of becoming a historian…until he found out how much historians make…or didn’t make. He’s always been intrigued by history and addicted to all it’s mysteries, so he wasn’t bitter about the pay rate, but he wasn’t against the concept of having other forms […]

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Chloe Frazer

Chloe Frazer

The first to have her own spinoff in the Uncharted franchise, Chloe Frazer’s crazy, sexy, cool confidence has made her a favorite for many gamers. As the daughter of an Indian archeologist, she is no stranger to the complexities that come with searching for treasure. When her dad’s last expedition became too dangerous, her mother

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Samuel Drake

Samuel Drake

Even though he wasn’t there when the ride first started, Nathan’s older brother Sam, certainly did make up for lost time when he showed up. He’s a career thief that started stealing cigarettes while he and his brother were at a catholic orphanage. Which eventually led him to being kicked out of the orphanage. But

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Victor Sullivan

Victor Sullivan

Nathan’s best friend and father figure is the most beloved Victor Sullivan. Sully has been on every adventure with Nathan from the beginning. He’s a dirty old man with a sassy tongue and everything is a “god damn” something or other. Dishonorably discharged from the navy for smuggling, he used many of his military contacts

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Nathan Drake

Nathan Drake

The one who started us all on this wild ride is none other than the infamous Nathan Drake. He is the goofy, clever, lovable nerd who is as smooth with his lines as he at finding treasure. However, when it comes to getting that final score…eh…not so much. Nathan’s interest for treasure hunting started at

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