Latest Stories

In the Beginning...
The story begins with a business deal. Victor Sullivan is in the office of a mansion discussing a business deal with a man named Thomas Jameson. Sullivan asks Jameson, “So…tell me more about this little trinket that you want us to acquire?” Jameson...
Eye of the Beholder
On the other side of the wall, Nathan and Sam see a small but bright light shining through a narrow opening on the opposite side of the room. As they walk closer, they see a key laying in between 2 large flats of rock. Both flats appear to be cut into...
Almost Doesn't Count
At a small local bar, Nathan, Sam and Jesse meet up with Sully. He doesn’t speak, he only drinks his whiskey and the silence is deafening. After about the 5th shot he finally asks, “Tell me…one more time…how…did you…LOSE…the jeep?” Nathan...
Inside an old hotel room, The Lady sits tied to a chair. Sam stares her down looking for answers, while Jesse and Nathan watch from their seats. Sully, seemingly not interested in the interrogation, is actually the most dangerous person in the room. He...
Show Time2
Show Time
Outside of the mansion, Jesse sits in a dark brown surveillance van, camouflaged by a heavy wooded area. His main focus is on the back entrance and Nathan, who is already in disguise as a yard crew member. Nathan is blending in well with the yard crew....
Through the earpiece, Jesse says, “Phew. I’ma need some Pepto Bismol after this. Y’all got me shitting bricks out here.” Meanwhile, The Head Footman is leading Nathan to the other tailors. Of course, they know that he isn’t...
Son of a Botch
Nathan heads down the hallway to the room where he left the head footman. “Sully? Sully!” Through his earpiece, Sully says, “You out yet kid?” Nathan says, “No, my cover is blown.” He enters the room and finds The...
For the Love of Money
Further down the road, Nathan looks in his rearview mirror and sees Sully pull in behind him, followed by Sam in Jesse‘s truck. Through his earpiece, Nathan asks, “Is anybody following?” Sully answers, “I didn’t see anyone.” Sam...
To Catch a Thief
To Catch a Thief
Sam and Jesse drop off Nathan and Sully at a local rent-a-car shop before securing a surveillance hide out. Before leaving the car, Sully asks to Sam, “Where are you going to be?” Sam says, “I saw an alley a few blocks down. Looked...
All Aboard
All Aboard
Sam and Jesse return to the rent-a-car shop. They pull into the parking lot where they find Sully is arguing with a very irate rental agent. The Rental Agent says, “Tu robastes mi motocicleta hijo de perra.” Sully says, “You’re...
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