Charlie Cutter

As a brilliant student at Oxford University, Charlie Cutter had grand dreams of becoming a historian…until he found out how much historians make…or didn’t make. He’s always been intrigued by history and addicted to all it’s mysteries, so he wasn’t bitter about the pay rate, but he wasn’t against the concept of having other forms of income either…he’s got student loans to pay off.

Charlie got his first taste of treasure hunting while working at a local museum. One night at work, he witnessed his boss, Kevin Washburne, getting roughed up by some unfriendly people. He defended Washburne and scared the men off. Grateful for his help, Washburne invited Charlie on his first treasure hunt; The Lost Treasure of Sargon. On that trip, Washburne taught him everything about treasure hunting and solving the mysteries of history. Together, they found The Lost Treasure of Sargon and received a handsome reward.

They became partners and solved many mysteries together. Each more dangerous than the last and each with Charlie doing more of the work. Eventually, Washburne went too far and got himself killed in a deal gone bad. Charlie was spared because he was deemed the brains of the operation. Nearing the end of the treasure hunt, he found himself in a bad situation and needed an escape. Through a friend of a friend, Chloe Frazier offered him a ride out of his death trap for the right price. At the time she was working on her own mystery and since Charlie didn’t get paid for his last job, he offered to help her solve her mystery for percentage.

That’s how their partnership began. Sometimes they work together, sometimes they don’t but they are more successful when working together. More success means more jobs which more money. And he’s got student loans to pay off…so…yeah…

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