
Eye of the Beholder

On the other side of the wall, Nathan and Sam see a small but bright light shining through a narrow opening on the opposite side of the room. As they walk closer, they see a key laying in between 2 large flats of rock. Both flats appear to be cut into the cave. The key lays in the center of the bottom flat of rock. Its height is about one meter off the ground and is about 2 meters deep. About 2 1/2 inches above that sits the larger flat of rock. It’s about 3 meters wide, 5 meters high and has the same depth as the bottom flat. There is no exit.

Sam says, “There she is. Let’s claim our treasure.”

Sam reaches his hand in between the flats.

Nathan says, “Wait, don’t-“

But before Nathan can stop him, Sam lets out a gut-wrenching scream.

Nathan grabs him, pulls him back and says, “Sam! Sam?! Are you alright?!”

Sam rolls over laughing, showing his hand to be perfectly fine.

Nathan growls, “You’re such an asshole.”

Sam continues to laugh.

Nathan says, “That’s not funny.”

Sam says, “Oh come on. It was a little funny”

Nathan says, “See, this is why you don’t have any friends.”

Sam says, “What are you talking about? I don’t need any friends. I’ve got you.”

Sam walks over the flats and takes a hard look.

Sam says, “This is a trap. If anyone grabs that key…”

Nathan finishes Sam’s thought and says, “…a five-ton boulder will crush their arm, but if you use something to move the key…”

Sam finishes Nathan’s thought and says, “…that five-ton boulder will pin the key and there’s no way we’re gonna be able to move that boulder. Hell, it’d be worthless even if we could.”

Nathan and Sam both take a step back.

Sam asks, “So, what’s the plan?”

Nathan responds, “I don’t know.” He pauses to think then asks, “Where’s that light coming from?”

Sam says, “I don’t know, but do you feel that breeze?”

Nathan says, “Yeah. The exit must be on the other side.”

Nathan reaches for his flashlight then remembers where he left it.

Sam takes out his lighter and asks, “You need a light?”

Nathan takes the lighter and says, “Thanks.” He flicks the lighter and shines it into the crevice for a closer look. Then there’s a clicking sound and the boulder lifts up and out of the way, revealing the treasure, the exit and sunlight.

Sam says, “How’d you do that?”

Nathan says, “I don’t know.”

Sam says, “Well, whatever it was it was our ticket out of here. Come on. Grab the key and let’s get out of here.”

Nathan picks up the key and looks at. It’s a skeleton key about 5 inches long. It looks mysterious and has highly detailed intricate designs on it, but other than that, there’s nothing special about it…unless you include the strong desire to wash your hands after touching it.

Nathan rubs his hand on his pants to ripe off the grime and says, “Why are we risking our life for this again? I could’ve gone to the local locksmith and had them make me the same damn key.”

Sam says, “Yeah…but if it wasn’t ugly enough, the buyers wouldn’t want it.”

Nathan says, “Treasure is in the eye of the beholder”

Sam says, “Yup. Now let’s get out of here before we overstay our welcome”

Nathan puts the key in his backpack. Then they both hop over the flat and exit the cave.

Sam says, “This has got to be the smoothest exit we’ve ever-“

Sam and Nathan are stopped in their tracks by tribal natives from the area. They have spears and arrows pointed at them. Jesse is on the walkie talkie, desperately trying to contact them.

From the walkie talkie, Jesse says, “Sam! Nathan! Where the fuck are you guys? You’ve got locals closing in on your flank. You should be seeing them real soon.”

Nathan and Sam raise their hands in the air and one of the locals take both of their backpacks.

From the walkie talkie, Jesse says, “Ah shit! I see you. You’re so screwed!”

Out loud Nathan says, “Thanks Jesse.”

Then the local takes the walkie talkie and smashes it. They yell at them in a language they don’t understand, but the spears jabbed in their direction makes it clear they want them to walk a certain direction…so they walk.

The locals take them less than a quarter mile in the woods before explosions go off along their path.

Nathan and Sam make a run for it. The locals follow them, but more explosions go off. The explosions actually get pretty close to Nathan and Sam knocking them to the ground. They get up quickly and continue to run because it’s clear that they are no longer out running the locals, but out the explosions.

Nathan says, “Geez, how much C4 did he use?”

Sam yells, “I don’t know, but remind me to kill Jesse when I see him.”

Nathan says, “Done.”

Nathan and Sam safely make it to a black military style jeep equipped with a gunner. Sam gets in the driver’s seat.

Sam starts the ignition and says, “That was close. I didn’t think we’d make it out of that one alive.”

As Sam turns his head to look at Nathan, an arrow flies by his head.

Sam says, “And here we go.”

Sam steps on the gas and races out of the jungle. Nathan gets on the walkie talkie from the car and says, “Jesse, we’re heading to the rendezvous. We’ll meet you there.”

From the walkie talkie Jesse says, “On my way.”

Nathan says, “Be careful. These locals are aggressive-“

Another arrow flies by Nathan’s head.

Nathan continues to say, “…and persistent.”

From the walkie talkie Jesse says, “Ah. It ain’t nothing a little C4 can’t handle.”

Annoyed Sam yells out, “How much C4 did he use?!”

Cut to:

INT. Mansion Office – Day

Jameson says, “My sources informed me about your team. I’ve heard that you always have a plan.”

Sullivan says, ”Always. Reputation is everything in this business.”

Jameson finally relaxes. He walks to a bar table and pours two small glasses of scotch and gives one to Sullivan. Then continues to say, “Well, it sounds like you have a truly capable team.”

Sully says, “We’ve worked hard to become so.”

Jameson raises his glass towards him and says, “To a successful endeavor.”

Sullivan raises his glass towards Talbot and says, “A successful endeavor.”

They both take a drink.

Jameson say, “You know I have to admit, I was a bit worried. You see the last crew I hired didn’t make it.” He takes another drink and whispers, “Trouble with the locals.”

Sullivan says, “Locals? Eh…” he takes another drink and continues to say, “…that ain’t nothin a little C4 can’t handle.”

Cut to:

EXT. Jungle – Day

The locals are closing in from both sides.

Sam says, “Nathan. Get on the gunner.’

Nathan says, “What? No! I’m not shooting innocent people. They’re only protecting their land.”

Sam yells at Nathan, “Are we seriously having an ethical conversation right now? Get on the gunner!”

Nathan does as he’s told and says, “Fine, but I don’t like it.”

At first Nathan shoots haphazardly. Only really shooting to keep the locals a safe distance away from the jeep. But after a one makes it into the jeep and Nathan has to fight for life, he changes his mind. Luckily, he managed to kick the local off the jeep (Nathan couldn’t beat him).

Exhausted, Nathan says, “Alright,” spits blood out of his mouth, “play time’s over.”

He gets back on the gunner, this time shooting at anything and everything getting close to the jeep. The locals seem to back off, but in reality, they’ve led Nathan and Sam to a cliff that’s impossible to see unless you know it’s there.

Sam says, “Nice shooting Nate. You got ’em to back off.”

Out of breath, Nathan wipes blood from his mouth and says, “Thanks.”

Sam says, “Let’s get to the rendezvous point.”

They come to a brief clearing and drive right off the cliff.

Sam and Nathan scream, “SHIT!!!”

Cut to:

INT. Mansion Garage – Day

Jameson says, “Let me provide you something that should prove useful.”

Jameson walks Sullivan passed many cars but stops at a black military style jeep with a gunner.

Sullivan says, “Woe! Nice ride! Where’d you get this?”

Jameson says, “A friend of mine deals in this sort of thing.”

Understanding that it was best not to ask any more questions, Sullivan says, “Good enough for me. We’ll take it.”

Jameson says, “I want it returned…in one piece Mr. Sullivan.”

Sullivan says, “Oh absolutely. That’s understandable.”

Jameson says, “Or else I may have to significantly modify your compensation.”

Over confidently, Sullivan says, “Trust me. We won’t put a scratch on it.”

Cut to:

EXT. Jungle – Day

Nathan and Sam climb up a rope, attached to a grappling hook, around a tree branch, on the other side of the cliff. At the top, Sam looks down the cliff at the ball of fire that was once a jeep and says, “Welp, that wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Still laying on the ground, Nathan chuckles and says, “Which part?”

Sam says, “Losing the key, losing the jeep. Pick one. We’ve got options.”

Nathan says, “I’m gonna pick the C4…”

Nathan reaches in his back pocket, pulls out the key and says, “…because we got the key.”

Sam smiles and says, “Alright Nathan! We got the key, we got something to bargain with!”

The key that was rusty and tarnished, reflects a bright light in the sunlight. Even the rust fades away.

Awe struck Nathan asks, “What is this made out of?”

Sam says, “We can figure that out later. Let’s get to the rendezvous point. We need to talk to Sullivan.”

Nathans says, “Right.”

Nathan puts the key back into his back pocket and they both walk out of the jungle.

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