
For the Love of Money

Further down the road, Nathan looks in his rearview mirror and sees Sully pull in behind him, followed by Sam in Jesse‘s truck.

Through his earpiece, Nathan asks, “Is anybody following?”

Sully answers, “I didn’t see anyone.”

Sam says, “Neither did I.” Suspiciously, he says, “hmm…that was easy.”

Even more suspiciously, Sully says, “Yeah, too easy.”

Nathan says, “One thing at a time boys. First, let’s get rid of these tailors.”

Sam asks, “What?! You still got the tailors?”

Defensively, Nathan says, “I was in a hurry. I didn’t exactly have time to kick ’em out.”

Sully says, “I see a turn up ahead. Take that street so we can dump the tailors.” Nathan turns down the next street and the team follows him. He finds a good spot, pulls over and the three get out of their cars.

Straight to the point, Sam asks Nathan, “What happened? I mean after we left the house?”

Nathan says, “Shit happened, that’s what, but I did find out what Jameson is after.” He pulls out Sierra’s diary, shows it to Sam, then continues to say, “he’s looking for ‘The Room of Gold’.”

Sam takes the diary and says, “Well now that sounds profitable.” He flips through the diary.

Sullys says, “Hey, slow down. Let me see the key.”

Nathans says, “Oh ye of little faith.” Nathan reaches in his pocket but can’t find the key. “Crap.”

Sam yells, “Again?! Are you kidding me?!”

Sully is surprisingly calm when he asks, “What happened?”

Nathan says, “I ran into the other player, Chloe Frazer.”

Sam asks, “Who’s Chloe Frazer?”

Nathan answers, “The Lady from the bar.”

Annoyed, Sam asks, “You’re on a first name basis now?”

Sully says, “Sam, this is serious. Chloe Frazer is good…very good, which means, we’ve got problems.”

Surprised, Sam asks, “You know her?”

Sully says, “Yeah I know her.” Clearly uneasy, he looks around the area, then continues to say, “Are you sure we weren’t followed? It’s not like Chloe to lose her target.”

Sam says, “I’m telling you; I didn’t see anyone.”

Jesse stumbles out of the van. He’s holding his head when he says, “I want a raise.”

The team walks over to Jesse and Sully asks, “What happened?”

Jesse answers, “I don’t know. All I know is that I was watching the backyard when I saw someone coming out of the tailor’s truck.” He rubs his head and continues to say, “Then someone hit me.”

Sully asks, “Did you see who hit you?”

Jesse says, “Nahh. He hit me from behind.”

Concerned, Sully says, “Chloe usually works alone. If she’s got help-“

Sam says, “Or if there’s a third player-“

Sully says, “Either way, we need to leave.” He takes a hard look at the van and continues to say, “and we need to dump the van.”

Defensively, Jesse says, “Ahh hell nahh. Not with all my equipment.”

Sully says, “There’s a tracker on the van. That’s why no one’s following us. They let us escape.”

Sam kicks the dirt then says, “Shit, he’s right.” Uneasy, he looks around the area same as Sully. Then continues to say, “We need to burn that van. Let’s go.”

Desperately, Jesse says, “Wait, wait, wait, wait, I have a better idea. Let’s set up a camera to watch the van so that we can see who’s tracking it.”

Sam shakes his head and says, “No, you’re just trying to save your equipment.”

Jesse says, “Hell yeah I am. It’s not like Sully’s gonna buy more…cheap bastard.”

Sully yells, “Stop blowing shit up!”

Sam concedes and says, “Whatever, just grab what you can while we find a spot to put the van.”

Nathan asks, “What about the tailors?”

Sam opens the door to the tailor’s truck, throws them a pocketknife and says, “Figure it out.” Then closes the door.

Cut to:

INT. Safe House – Night

The team has been going over Sierra’s journal and the map for some time. They’re all exhausted but are trying to get a better understanding of their situation. Sam puts out another cigarette in an ashtray full of cigarette butts and attempts to summarizes it as best he can.

Sam takes a deep breath and says, “Ok…so…let me see if I got this right. There’s a place called ‘The Room of Gold’, that everybody’s trying to get to. It’s got a bunch of mystical treasures, but the Staff of Ayar Manco is what everybody’s after.”

Confused, Jesse says, “I thought the ‘Beautiful Light’ was what everybody’s after.”

Nathan says, “Stiletto wants ‘The Light’, Jameson wants ‘The Staff’.”

Still confused, Jesse asks, “Back up. What’s the ‘Beautiful Light’ again?”

Sam shrugs and answers, “I don’t know. Sierra’s journal doesn’t describe it.”

Nathan says, “Well he does describe it, but his description sucks.” He opens the journal and turns to the description of the ‘Beautiful Light’, then reads, “‘It’s like a bright white wave that moves as a shadow. It hears thought, sees sound, breaths gold and eats energy.'”

Jesse asks, “What the hell does that mean?”

Nathan answers, “I don’t know. There aren’t any pictures either.” He turns the journal sideways in an attempt to better understand what he’s looking at, then says, “Well…there’s a bunch of lines…that are maybe rays of light?”

Jesse asks, “From where?”

Nathan answers, “From everywhere?”

Disappointed, Jesse says, “Well shit.”

Nathan says, “Yeah…shit.” Frustrated, he continues to say, “but the journal is clear about everything else. There’re descriptions of puzzles, riddles and with their solutions. Why would he be so vague on something so important?’

Sam says, “Maybe he was running out of time and didn’t get a chance to write something better?”

Jesse rubs his head and says, “I hate riddles.” He walks over to the fridge and grabs a beer, then continues to say, “anyways, you didn’t say what Chloe wants.”

Nathan says, “That’s cause I don’t know what she wants. I don’t know who she’s working for either, but she did seem interested in ‘The Staff’.”

Sam says, “Who cares what she wants. She’s playing the same game we’re playing. It’s called ‘Get the Treasure First and Sell to the Highest Bidder’. Her buyers will buy from us just as well.”

Jesse walks over to Sam and says, “Yeah, but if she’s going for the ‘Beautiful Light’ and we don’t know what it looks like.”

Sam says, “It doesn’t matter what it looks like. It’s a room full of gold. Anything we grab is gonna be worth something.” He takes the journal from Nathan, flips to a random drawing of a trinket and continues to say, “Look, Sierra’s journal talks about all kinds of trinkets in that room. You want the ‘Beautiful Light’? Just grab anything that looks like a candle, fire, lamp, flashlight.”

Jesse says, “Flashlight? Really?”

Sam says, “Grab it. Any questions?”

Skeptical, Sully says, “Yeah. Why are we doing this?”

Jesse rolls his eyes and says, “Here we go.”

Nathan throws his head back and says, “Not again.”

Sam points his cigarette at Sully and says, “Don’t start Victor.”

Pointedly, Sully says, “There’s too many players on the field and Nathan says there’s a bunch of wannabe knights with swords and super strength. God only knows what kinda experimental steroids they’re taking.”

Annoyed, Sam says, “We’re always looking for the next job well here it is. We can get a hundred more jobs from this one alone. If we can get our hands on just one of those trinkets, we’re getting paid.”

Sully says, “Yeah, but we don’t have the key.”

Sam says, “We’ve got the map and Sierra’s journal. Two out of three ain’t bad.”

Nathan says, “Sully, we’ve had worse odds.”

Sully says, “We’ve had better odds and still got our asses kicked. Superhuman soldiers with swords? Doesn’t that bother you?”

Determined, Sam says, “The bigger they are the harder they fall.”

Sully says, “Oh for fucks sakes.” He throws his hands in the air and walks away from the team.

Sam follows him and asks, “You really want to walk away from all that treasure?”

Sully stops to think, then turns around and says, “Ok…well…how are you planning on getting the key back?”

Jesse says, “If Chloe still has the key, we can track her, the same way she tracked us.”

Sully says, “And if she doesn’t?” He shakes his head, then says to himself, “This is too risky.”

Sam says, “Then she’ll lead us to the one who does have the key. Stop worrying. All we gotta do is work out a plan. Step one: We’ve gotta get the key back.”

Jesse says, “Right and we already know she’s following us. We could set a trap.”

Sam says, “Good idea. She already knows she can get to Nate, so we can use him as bait.”

Nathan says, “Really?”

Jesse says, “Just play dumb or be yourself.”

Nathan says, “I think I’m offended.”

Jesse says, “Exactly.”

Nathan says, “Fuck you.”

Ignoring Nathan, Jesse asks, “Should we put a wire on him or a tracker.”

Sam says, “Both. We’ll just make sure he doesn’t have anything important.”

Nathan says, “Hello? I’m right here.”

Sully says, “I’ll hold on to the goods if you don’t mind.”

Sam asks, “Sully, what can you tell us about Chloe?”

Sully says, “Like I said earlier, she usually works alone, but if you’re saying she was working with Sierra, she’s looking for a big pay day. She’s gonna keep us on our toes.”

Nathan asks, “So you’re in?”

Sully says, “Do I have a choice? She’s coming for you Nate…so…yeah, I’m in but no more mistakes. One wrong step and it’s our ass.”

Jesse walks over to his supply bag and takes out a wire and two trackers. Then he walks over to Nathan, lifts up Nathan’s shirt without his permission and begins attaching the wire to his chest.

Defensively, Nathan says, “Hey take it easy. You’re invading my personal space.”

Jesse says, “Sorry Nate, but I’m tryna get paid.” He continues putting wires on him then says, “I’m gonna give you an extra tracker to put on Chloe when she gets to you.”

Sully asks, “Speaking of trackers, weren’t you supposed to be watching the van?”

Jesse says, “My bad, I forgot all about that. Y’all got me drooling about all that treasure.” He leaves Nate as is and checks the feed on his computer but there’s only static.

Disappointed, Sully says, “I thought you had this transmitting.”

Jesse says, “I did. Hold up, let me rewind.” He rewinds the recording and plays back the feed for the entire team to watch. There’s a group of about seven people on the feed. They’re wearing long hooded cloaks with a unique camouflage design. They’re thoroughly looking inside and outside the van. Suddenly every member of the group looks directly at the surveillance camera and for no conceivable reason, the feed becomes static.

Nathan asks, “Who the hell was that?”

Sully says, “I don’t know, but they know we’re coming.”

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