Henry Talbot

Raised at Harrow School, Henry Talbot received an elite education. This is where he first met Dr. Wilson, a psychology professor at the school and a member of ‘The Order of the Golden Dawn’. Talbot’s natural ability to skillfully manipulate his school mates is what first caught the Dr. Wilson’s attention.

Talbot and The Order were a perfect match, and The Order gave him much favor…but not without a rival. Another school mate, Thomas Jameson, was also favored by The Order, but only one would be given full membership. Talbot and Jameson did many cruel things to one another to sabotage the other’s chances. Things went in Talbot’s favor when he saw a fellow classmate performing magic tricks.

Seen as a gimmick by most students, Talbot saw it as a weapon to achieve a strong edge above his rival. He succeeded to beat out his rival but failed when The Order learned he used magic tricks (all magicians were considered to be far beneath The Order’s high standards).

But Talbot would outwit The Order again as his dignified and regal bearing masked a sadistic streak that was only encouraged as he became a more skilled magician. He was offered a membership to The Order and would’ve declined, since he began to see passed their constraints. But when Katherine Marlowe personally asked him to join, he quickly accepted.

Now, working as Marlowe’s secondhand man, Talbot goes wherever he’s needed. Whether it be as working as a double agent or hunting for treasure. He will do whatever is asked of him and is fully committed to The Order.

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