Jesse Dwayne

Jesse Dwayne

Jesse was born to an African American father, Dwayne and a South Korean mother, Mai. His grandfather, a wealthy politician, named Dae-Hyun didn’t approve of his parent’s relationship and when his daughter fell ill, his grandfather only agreed to care for her if she abandoned her lover and son.

Dwayne didn’t want to see the love die nor did he want his son to experience his mother’s death so young. Jesse was 7 years old at the time. So, Dwanye and Mai agreed to separate with promise to marry after she recovered.

However, Dae-Hyun had a different plan. Shortly after Mai moved back to her father’s house, Dwayne and Jesse were attacked while they slept. Dwayne was killed but Jesse escaped. For the next few years, Jesse wandered the streets, scrapping for whatever he could to survive.

Jesse met Victor when he was about 13 years old on the streets of Cairo. It was a happenstance of a deal gone wrong when Jesse distracted would be bounty hunters so that Victor could escape. Victor took him in temporarily only to pay off his debt. Eventually Jesse became a member of his crew.

Victor never took to him like he did to Nathan, mainly because their personalities clash. They both love and hate each other at the same time.

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