Nathan Drake

Nathan Drake

The one who started us all on this wild ride is none other than the infamous Nathan Drake. He is the goofy, clever, lovable nerd who is as smooth with his lines as he at finding treasure. However, when it comes to getting that final score…eh…not so much.

Nathan’s interest for treasure hunting started at a very young age since both of his parents were in the treasure hunting business. His mother, Casandra Morgan, worked for a treasure hunter named Evelyn. Casandra was a historian and did majority of the research that Evelyn used for in her treasure hunts. His father, Alan Morgan, was an antiquities expert. He did most of his known work for museums. His unknown work he kept secret…hence…it’s unknown.

After his mother died from her illness, his father put him and his brother into an orphanage for their own protection. But neither stayed very long. His brother, Sam, returned a few months after being kicked out orphanage, to show Nathan some of his mother’s old journals. Granted he didn’t tell him they had to break into an old woman’s house to see the journals, but that didn’t seem to bother either of them…at least not until the woman caught them, pointed a gun at them, called the police and then died…so they changed their last name from Morgan to Drake.

Since then, Nathan and his brother have been stealing to survive. In between moving from job, to job, to job, to job they found themselves in and out of too many jails to count. It was in Cartagena Colombia, while Sam was in jail, that Nathan first met Victor Sullivan. Victor Sullivan showed him how to harness his skills and become they excellent treasure hunter we know today.

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