Samuel Drake

Samuel Drake

Even though he wasn’t there when the ride first started, Nathan’s older brother Sam, certainly did make up for lost time when he showed up. He’s a career thief that started stealing cigarettes while he and his brother were at a catholic orphanage. Which eventually led him to being kicked out of the orphanage. But eh…he was ready to leave anyways. He had bigger dreams than what the orphanage could provide.

Once free of the orphanage, he started working at a chop shop. He’s stolen, disassembled and reassembled cars. He got pretty good at it too. He was especially good at stealing cars. Which is why his boss wanted him to move up state where business was slower and policing was more intense. Before leaving he went to visit his brother to say his goodbyes.

Yada, yada, yada…blah, blah, blah…it didn’t go the way he expected it. After Evelyn died, his new focus was to keep his brother safe at any cost…most cost…some cost…it depends on the situation. Nathan is Sam’s ride or die and sometimes he rides a little too close to death which bothers Sullivan…a lot. It’s a source of many arguments between them. Though, sometimes it’s hard to tell if they’re fighting for the treasure or for Nathan’s affection.

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