Lucius Moreno

Born in the Miraflores district of Lima, Peru, Lucius Moreno was raised to believe that he was a descendant of The Knight Lights, defectors of the Librarians. At a very young age he was educated on everything related to The Library of the Sun, The Library of the Moon and The Librarians. He is aware of the potential power found in both libraries but is especially knowledgeable about The Library of the Moon. It’s this knowledge that was used to build his own personal army of super humans.

Unfortunately, this knowledge has also led him to become a bit delusional and self-entitled to many things. He accepts nothing less than the most respectful behavior from everyone acquainted with him. He’s honest but impatient, intelligent but arrogant, passionate but short tempered and determined to accomplish his goals. His main goal is to release The Beautiful Light from The Library of the Sun, which he believes has been wrongfully confined.

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