Show Time

Outside of the mansion, Jesse sits in a dark brown surveillance van, camouflaged by a heavy wooded area. His main focus is on the back entrance and Nathan, who is already in disguise as a yard crew member.

Nathan is blending in well with the yard crew. He’s using a string trimmer to trim the edges of the yard. He’s inconspicuously staying near the back of the house and is waiting for an opportunity.

Sam and Sully are in a car at the end of the street, waiting for word from Jesse on Nathan’s status. Nathan has to be inside before Sam and Sully enter through the main gate in order to ensure that he has plenty of time to be where he needs to be for the resteal.

Through his earpiece, Jesse talks to Nathan and says, ”So far, so good Nate. For once, no one is paying attention to you.”

Nathan says, ”Yeah, hopefully it’ll stay that way.” He wipes sweat from his brow then continues on to ask, “How’s it look out back?”

Jesse answers, ”Nothin yet. I ain’t seen nobody come in or out the back.” He stops to take a drink from an extra cup of soda then continues to say, “and I don’t think yard workers are allowed inside. Just a hunch.”

Sam rubs his forehead and says to Sully, “We’re in for a wait.”

Sully replies, “We can’t wait forever.” Then through his earpiece, Sully says to everyone, ”If the yard crew starts heading out, we need to have a plan.”

Nonchalantly, Jesse says, “Eh, that ain’t nothing a little C4 can’t handle.”

Nathan says, ”What?!”

A yard crew member near Nathan says, “I didn’t say anything.”

Nathan says, “Of course you didn’t. Never mind.” He continues trimming the edges, trying to become invisible again.

Through his earpiece, Sam asks, ”Jesse…What did you do?”

Jesse says, ”Uh…”

Clearly annoyed, Sully says, “Jesse. After this deal, I’m banning you from all explosive devices.”

Nathan and Sam both say, “Copy that.”

Shocked, Jesse says, “What?!”

A black truck drives by Sam and Sully and is heading towards the house.

Sam asks Sully, “Was there a delivery coming today?”

Sully answers, ”Not that I know of.”

Sully says to Jesse, ”We’ve got a truck coming your way. Keep an eye on it.”

Jesse says, “Copy that.” He adjusts the cameras to focus on the truck and says, ”I see it.” He closes in on the name on the truck. It reads ‘Elite Tailors’. He continues to say, “It’s a tailor’s truck. What’s a tailor doing here?”

Sully says, ”I don’t know but my gut tells me that’s not a tailor.”

Jesse says, ”Mine too.” He zooms in with his camera as the truck pulls up to the front gate. He continues to say, ”They’re getting buzzed in.” The truck drives up the driveway to the front door and two very well dressed men get out of the truck. Jesse says, ”They’re getting out of the truck.” One of the men is carrying a suit bag.” Jesse continues to say, ”Maybe they are tailors.”

A butler opens the door, looks the tailors, at the truck, then back at the tailors and with a tone of disgust says, ”Surely you do not intend to leave that in view if the public do you?”

The tailors look at each other with confusion. They both look at the truck, then back at the butler. One of them says, ”Do you mean the truck?”

Impatiently the butler answers, ”Yes.”

One of the tailors points to the truck and continues to say, ”That’s our company truck. To have an Elite Tailor truck in front of your house is-“

Clearly offended, the butler cuts him off and says, ”House? This house, as you so crudely describe, is a palace and your truck, in its condition, can not possibly bring any value to it.”

The tailors are speechless but the butler continues to say, ”No, you will have to take your truck to the back, out of view from the public. And do it quickly before anyone sees.”

Through his earpiece, Sam impatiently asks, “What’s going on Jesse?”

Jesse answers, “Can’t tell.” He watches the butler from afar as he shoos off the tailors. “Wait a sec…it looks like he’s making them leave.” The tailors get back into their truck. “They’re getting back into their truck.”

Sully asks Jesse, “Did you see anyone get out of the truck while they were talking?”

Jesse answers, “No. No one got out of the truck.” The truck heads to the back of the house. Excited, he exclaims, “They’re going to the back! Nathan?! Nathan!”

Annoyed, Nathan replies, “I got it. Calm down.” Nathan quickens his pace as he heads to the back of the house with the string trimmer. On his way Nathan holds the trimmer too close to the pavement and the string breaks.

Nathan says, “Crap.” He stops and turns off the trimmer to look at the damage.

Impatiently, Sam asks, “Nathan? What’s wrong?”

Nathan answers, “Nothing.”

The yard crew supervisor walks up behind Nathan and asks, “Looks like the string broke.”

Startled, Nathan turns around and says, “Yeah…uh…it broke.”

The Supervisor is overly helpful and asks, “Do you know how to change the string?”

Confused, Sully asks out loud, “Who cares about the god damn string?”

Nathan answers The Supervisor and says, “No. I don’t know how to change the string.”

Sam says to Nathan, “To hell with the string Nathan. Get to the back!”

The Supervisor says, “Come on.” He leads Nathan to the yard crew truck which is outside the gates on the other end of the street from Sam and Sully. He says, “Let me show you how to change it.”

Jesse starts to panic and asks, “What the hell are you doing? You’re going the wrong way!”

Nathan whispers, “I know I’m going the wrong way.”

The Supervisor asks, “What’s that?”

Nathan clears his throat and answers, “I was saying that I actually do know the way…to change…the string. It’s just been a while since I’ve done it.” The Supervisor is skeptical, but Nathan stops walking and continues to say, “Listen, the truck isn’t far. If I need any help, I’ll call you. Ok?”

The Supervisor is uneasy but backs off and says, “I understand. You want to do it by yourself.” He smiles and continues to say. “Well, if you need any help, just call me. I’ll be watching.”

Nathan gives a fake smile back and says, “Thanks. That’s what I was hoping you’d do.”

Nathan continues to walk down the driveway as The Supervisor walks back up the driveway. Nathan asks, “Did you hear that Jesse?”

Jesse answers, “Yeah, I heard it.”

Nathan asks, “Is he still watching?”

Jesse answers, “Yeah, he’s watching.”

Nathan says, “Shit.” He turns around and waves back to The Supervisor, in an attempt to delay the walk to the yard truck. He turns back around then continues to say, “I could use a distraction…you know…if you’ve got one handy.”

Excited, Jesse says, “Oh I got somethin for ya alright.”

Jesse seems just a little too excited, so Sully anticipates the worst and says, “God dammit Jesse. Don’t botch this deal for us.”

Jesse says, “Calm down old man. I’ve got this.”

Sully is about to respond when one of the yard crew members starts screaming. Everyone turns to see a yard crew member on a lawn mower that is creating a ridiculously large cloud of smoke. Everyone from the yard crew, including The Supervisor, run to the crew member’s aid. Nathan, on the other hand, runs to the back. The back door is wide open and he can see the tailors enter. Nathan runs as fast as he can to reach the door. Unfortunately, the maid closes the door just as he reaches it.

Nathan says, “Crap. Missed it.”

Sam says, “Well find another way in.”

Nathan says, “Are you kidding me?” Clearly, there is no other practical way to enter. He has to figure out how to get in through this door.

In the meantime, the yard crew is in an absolute panic. The Supervisor runs towards the back to find anything that’ll rescue his employee from the cloud of smoke. Jesse sees The Supervisor running and says, “Shit! The Supervisor is heading your way. Hide!”

Nathan looks for a place to hide, but there is only the tailor’s truck. He runs to the opposite side of the truck from where The Supervisor is coming from and tries to open one of the doors, but it’s locked. Nathan says, “Crap. The door is locked.”

Jesse says, “Try another door.”

Nathan scurries around the truck trying every door. Finally, the driver’s door opens and he hurries into the truck. He accidently slams the door and The Supervisor investigates. Nathan hurries out of the driver’s seat, to the back of the truck and hides.

The Supervisor opens the door and says, “Hello? Is anyone in here?” Nathan is careful not to cough or sneeze or make any sound of any kind. Eventually, when no one answers, The Supervisor closes the door and walks away.

When The Supervisor is a safe distance away, Jesse says, “You’re clear Nate.”

With a sigh of relieve, Nathan says, “Damn that was close.”

Impatiently, Sam says, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re still not inside.”

Sully says, “Sam’s right. This is taking way too long.”

Sam says, “You can’t get inside as a yard crew member anyways. So, just change your clothes in the truck. And hurry up you’re making me nervous.”

Nathan starts to undress and says, “Need a cigarette Sam?”

Sam asks, “Need an ass kicking Nathan?”

Nathan removes his yard crew uniform to reveal a wet and sweaty house servant uniform underneath. Nathan says, “Crap.”

Sully asks, “Now what?”

Nathan answers, “I can’t wear this. My servant uniform is soaking wet from sweating too much.”

Sam asks, “Well, is there anything in the truck you can wear?”

Nathan says, “Good idea.” Nathan looks through the truck and finds a black suit. He continues to say, “I found something.” He takes out the suit and starts to undress. “I’ve gotta new plan. I’m going in as a tailor.”

Sully, Sam and Jesse say in unison, “What?!”

Nathan says, “Yeah. The house maids don’t know how many tailors there are.” He checks himself in the rearview mirror and continues to say, “All I gotta do is knock on the door and they’ll let me in.”

Sam desperately reaches in his pocket and says, “I need a cigarette.” He pulls out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

Sully knocks it out of his hand and says, “God damnit Sam you can’t go in there smelling like cigarettes. I told you he hates that shit.”

Sam asks, “Well how the fuck are you staying calm?”

Sully opens up the glove compartment and pulls out a small bottle of vodka. He hands it to Sam and says, “Here. Drink this.”

Sam opens the bottle, downs it, then asks, “You got another one?”

Sully says, “Help yourself.”

Nathan exits the truck and says, “Sully, maybe wait till this is over, then get him drunk.”

Sully says, “Copy that.”

Nathan walks up to the back door and knocks. A maid comes to open the door and asks, “May I help you?”

Nathan answers, “Yes. I’m one of the tailors. I’m sorry I was held up, but there was a problem with a suit for another client.”

The Maid says, “Oh?”

Confidently, Nathan continues to say, “So if you can just direct me to the fitting area, I can assist my colleagues with this job and we can move on to the next client.”

Politely, The Maid says, “Please wait here. I will get the butler.” She walks away.

Uneasy, Sam asks, “What’s going on Nate?”

Nathan answers, “She’s going to get the butler.”

Sam freaks out and says, “The butler? The butler knows you’re not a tailor Nate. Get out of there!”

Sully says, “Will you calm down. He can work the butler.”

Restless, Sam says, “I hate this.” He finishes another small bottle of liquor and says, “I should be there to see what’s going on.”

Nathan whispers, “Will you shut up about that? I’ve got this.”

The maid returns to the door with the head footman. She nods to Nathan, then back to The Head Footman then leaves.

The Head Footman says to Nathan, “Hello. I’m the head footman. How may I help you?”

Nathan puts on his best front and with his angriest tone says, “How may you help me?! I already told your little maid how to help me and now you want me to repeat myself?” Nathan throws his hands up in irritation and continues to say, “I have no time for this. I’m already late.”

The Head Footman says, “My apologies sir. You are?” The Footman waits for Nathan to respond.

Caught off guard, Nathan says, “I am?”

Through the earpiece, Jesse says to Nathan, “Mr. Owen.”

Nathan continues to say, “My name is Mr. Owen.”

Jesse continues to say, “That’s not the same guy from earlier.”

Nathan follows his lead and says, “And you are not the butler as I was promised. We wouldn’t be doing this if you were the same guy from earlier.”

Confused, The Head Footman says, “And what happened earlier?”

Caught off guard again, Nathan says, “Earlier?”

Jesse says, “The butler made you go to the back of the house.”

Nathan says, “Earlier, the butler shooed us off to the back of the house.”

The Head Footman says, “House?”

Jesse says, “Palace! They call it a palace.”

Nathan says, “My apologies. Palace. This is a very lovely palace.”

Sully says, “Nice save Nate.”

Nathan says, “Look, we have other clients after this and we don’t want to upset them by being late. I need to help my colleagues finish this job so we can move on to the next client. And it’s already been too long.”

The Head Footman finally concedes and says, “Follow me.” Nathan follows him inside.

Jesse says, “He’s inside. You’re up Sully.”

Sullivan says, “Copy that.” Sully drives to the front gate of the house. He pushes the button on the intercom system and is waiting for a response.

The butler’s voice comes on through the intercom system. He says, “Hello. How may I help you?”

Sullivan says, “This is Victor Sullivan and Samuel Drake. We’re here to see Henry Talbot. He’s expecting us.”

The gate opens and Sullivan drives up the driveway.

Sam says, “He should ask us to go to the back of the house.”

Confused, Sully says, “I’m not driving to the back.”

Sam says, “If he doesn’t, that means he’s on to us and we’re walking into a trap.”

Sully says, “It’s true he’s expecting trouble, so he should be on edge, but he’s not expecting us to be the trouble.” He continues to drive to the front of the house.

Sam says, “Something’s wrong. I’m telling you; this is a mistake.” He reaches for another bottle and Sully stops him.

Sully asks, “What’s the matter with you?” He stops the car in front of the front door of the house.

Sam says, “I should be inside with Nathan. I’d have a better feel of what was going on if i were inside.”

Sully says, “That’s it.” Sully gets out of the car, walks to the front door and says, “Next time you’re riding with Jesse. You’re getting on my god damn nerves.” Sam follows Sully to the front door.

Before Sully can knock of the door, The Butler opens it and says, “You’re late.”

Sully says, “I know that.” Sully isn’t intimidated by the butler. This is not his first arrogant asshole he’s had to deal with.

The Butler asks, “Why are you late?”

Annoyed, Sully says, “Why is that your business? We’re not here to see you.”

The Butler says, “Indeed.” He looks at Sully’s car and says, “Is that your car?”

Sully says, “Yes. Is there a problem?” The Butler and Sullivan look at each other and there is a silent battle between them. The Butler is questioning whether or not to challenge him, while Sully is daring him to do it. He’s ready with a retort.

The Butler concedes and says, “No. Please come in.” Sully and Sam follow The Butler inside.

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