Stealth Attack

Sully, Sam and Judaun are flying in one of Sancho’s Osprey with Tina and her team. She chose seven of her best soldiers for the rescue mission. They were Bo the pilot, Birdie the tech wizard, BumbleBee the sniper, three muscles soldiers named Bacon, Bitz and BastardAss and the Jimmy the medic.

sam: so how long have you guys been doing this kinda stuff

B: what kind of stuff

sam: treasure hunting

B: is that what what we doing?

B: that’s not what i’m doing

B: i thought we were babysitting a bunch of dumb asses through the forest

sam: babysitting?

Judaun: dumbasses?

sully: here we go

B: That’s what i thought

B: hey remember when we babysat Chico

B: ah yeah because he stole something from the crazy bitch with guns

sam: wait a sec what happened?

B: there was this crazy bitch with guns that had a priceless trinket that supposedly had a clue hidden inside, that lead to the staff of ayar manco.

Sam: the staff of ayar manco? isn’t that in the room of gold?

sully looks at sam

B: it was but…you know about the staff of ayar manco?

sully clears his throat

sam: yeah…i uh…read it in a book somewhere

B: what book?

sam: a childrens book. my mom was a historian and would read us stories as a kid.

B: oh, then maybe you’ve heard of the whistle jar of ayar cachi?

sam: i’ve heard of it. is that the trinket Chico was trying to take?

B: maybe? anyways, Chico was able to seduce it out of her, but she figured it out then all kinds of shit hit the fan. that’s when we came in.

sam: but he got the whistle jar, right?

B: yeah, but-

Tina gives B a sharp look. Her faces is calm but her eyes are angry

B: she got it back.

B: he did get his ass kicked tho

sam: by her?

B: nah by us. he couldn’t pay so we sent out a bill collector

sam: oh so if we can’t pay

tina: you’ll pay.

sam: of course we will. what was lady’s name again?

Tina: that’s not important. Birdie, how you comin on those buoies?

Birdie: releasing the first one now. He releases what looks like a small golf ball out the side door

Judaun: Da hell was dat?

Birdie: a buoy. He picks up another buoy and prepares to release it.

Judaun: A buoy? up here?

birdie: Yeah. It’s my own invention. He releases another buoy out the side door.

Judaun picks up a buoy from Birdie’s backpack and looks at it closely. It looks like a black golf ball with a silver ring around it, but instead of small indentions there are tiny sensors.

Birdie takes the buoy from Judaun and says, “Thanks.” He prepares the buoy and continues to say, “it’s a proximity detector. it hoovers in the air and sends out a yellow alert when anything comes within 25 yards of it.” he releases the buoy and continues to say, “it sends out a red alert when anything comes with 25 yards travelling at 100 m/hr.”

Judaun: you made dis?

Birdie: that and many other things.

Judaun: yo. you gotta show me how you did dis.

Birdie: some other time kid

Bo: Breakup the bromance boys. we should be coming up on the train in 5 minutes

Tina: Alright let’s go over the plan one more time. First thing first, they probably already know we’re coming, but that doesn’t mean we can’t use the element of surprise. Birdie, is going to use one of his birds to disable the train.

Judaun: a Bird?

Birdie: hummingbird. birdie takes out a small drone that resembles a hummingbird

Judaun: Da hell is dat? is dat a bird? Birdie prepares to release it.

Tina: not now kid. We’ll take cover at the top of the other side of the mountain. Once the train is disabled, we’ll raid it then leave. Sully, all your team has to do is stay out of the way and not die. any questions?

Sully: what about nathan?

Tina: we’ll save him if we see him, but only if it’s safe.

Sully: What’s that supposed to mean?

Tina: it means we’re not dying for nathan is what that’s supposed to mean. Any more questions?

Bo: ETA 2 minutes

Tina: Release the hummingbird.

Birdie releases the hummingbird then Bo takes the osprey up over the other side of the mountain. Tina and Sully’s team watch the monitor as the hummingbird decends down the side of the mountain to the train. The train isn’t moving.

Tina: we need to get it moving. we won’t be able to raid it while it’s sitting there.

Birdie: We could start it, but as soon as it’s moving, they’ll just stop it again and then they’ll really be looking for us.

Judaun: why are dem two train cars by demself? did somebody release ’em?

Sam: you know that’s not a bad idea. if only we could release some of the cars then start the train, we could leave some of them stranded. so they won’t be able to stop it again.

Birdie: That could work

Tina: It will work. do it.

Judaun: how is dat lit’l thang gonna do all dat?

Birdie: watch and learn kid

The hummingbird flies down to the train and sets ontop of a tank at the end of the train.

Birdie: i’m seeing 15 cars connected and two disconnected.

tina: let’s look at them to see where we want to disconnect

hummingbird flies around and lands on the window sill of the next to the last car. it looks like a bar car, but there are bloody chains hanging from the ceiling, blood on the floor and the everything is in disarray.

sully: what the hell happened in here?

Judaun: somebody got der ass kicked

Tina: move on to the next car. there’s nothing more to see here.

hummingbird flies around the outside to the next car, but there are no windows. so, it flies back to the top of the train car and lands next to the vent. they can hear something coming from the vent.

tina: do you hear that?

birdie: sounds like something breathing.

B: animals?

tina: that’s a lot of animals

sam: not animals, hunters.

B: what the hell is a hunter?

sam: hard to describe. probably one of moreno’s experiments.

sully: can we take a look inside? i wanna see if nathan is in there.

tina: yes. i wanna see these hunters

birdie changes it’s beak to a screw driver and unscrews the vent. then uses it’s feet to lift the vent, moves it off to the side and flies inside the car. the train car is full of hunters in animal cages. the cages are stacked on top of each other on both sides of the train car. there are about 500 hunters in the car.

Judaun: da fuck?

Sam: that’s a lot of hunters.

sully: these are the guys we were running from when you found us, but it wasn’t this many.

B: what are they?

sully: they’re some kind of soldier. they’re fast and relentless. they won’t stop chasing you until they catch you or until they’re all dead.

sam: fortunately, they’re easy to kill…as long as you have a shot gun.

tina: i don’t like this. let’s go to the next car.

the hummingbird flies up and out through the vent of the train car and moves to the next car. there are no windows on this car either but there is a vent at the top. them hummingbird moves sits next to the vent and they can hear more breathing.

Judaun: more hunters?

sam: this is not good.

sully: let’s check to see if nathan is inside

tina: excuse me?

sully: what?

tina: i give the orders.

sully: i’m sorry i was just-

tina gives him a curious look

sully: my apologies. you give the orders.

tina: open it. i want to want a head count on these hunters

the hummingbird opens the vent and flies inside. this car is also full of hunters.

Judaun: oh shit

sully: how many of these god damn things did they bring?

tina: i’m counting about 1000 so far. what’s in the next car?

The hummingbird flies to the next car and sits next to the vent. this time they can hear people talking.

Judaun: you hear dat?

tina: shh. turn it up.

birdie turns up the volume, so the voices come through clearer

soldier 1: i’m just saying, something isn’t right. an osprey doesn’t just disappear.

soldier 2: keep scanning for it. we’ll find it.

Judaun: dey’re lookin’ fo us.

tina: shh!

soldier 3: have you found them yet?

soldier 1: no but they can’t have gone far.

soldier 3: it doesn’t make sense. why would they get this close and then just disappear.

soldier 2: no way did they disappear. they came to fight.

soldier 1: there was only one. that’s not enough for a fight. maybe they’re here on some kind of stealth mission?

soldier 3: or a rescue mission. they’re not here for a fight. i want a search started. report back on anything unusual.

soldier 2: yes sir. i’ll get help from the Team Orinoco.

B: shit

tina: we’re running out of time. we need to start detaching these cars.

birdie: should i start with the hunters?

sully: woe, slow down. what about nathan?

tina: i’m not worried about nathan right now.

sully: well i am

biride: hunters it is

Judaun: dat’s right next to dis car. dey’re gonna hear?

tina: we need to draw them away from this car

sam: a distraction

Judaun: a bomb

birdie: a what?!

sam: shut up Don

sully: what about nathan?

tina: he’s not here! if he was he’d be in the car with all the blood

sully: so, that’s it. we’re giving up?

tina: da fuck you say?

Bacon, Bitz and BastardAss glare at Sully and BumbleBee pulls her pistol out it’s holster.

soldiier 2: over here! i found something!

birdie: shit. they found us?

the hummingbird looks around, but there are no one nearby. however there is a soldier standing ontop of the hunter’s car. they’re holding the vent that the hummingbird removed. soldier 3 joins him ontop of the train car.

soldier 3: what didi you find?

soldier 2; someone has removed this vent.

soldier 3: what?! he takes the vent and looks at it. then gets on his walkie talkie and announces, “intruder alert. intruder alert. all soldiers, search this train now. everyone else, find that osprey.”

tina: we can’t stay hidden forever. start detaching these cars.

birdie: and if they do see the hummingbird?

tina: then it’s time to put in all those hours of gaming to work.

the hummingbird flies to the coupler of the next rail car, uncouples it. then flies underneath the next rail car.

soldier 2: did you hear that?

soldier 3: yeah.

birdie: they’re going to figure it out and recouple everything.

tina: hmm…can you throw a bird call into the woods?

birdie: yeah, but what good is that gonna do?

tina: just do it

the hummingbird throws a bird call out into the woods when the soldiers jump down.

soldier 2: what was that?

soldier 3: that was a strange bird call.

the hummingbird flies to the coupler of the next rail car.

Birdie: i think i’m gonna throw out the call before i uncouple this time.

tina: good idea.

the hummingbird throws out another bird call into the woods, this time a the rail car door opens and 4 soldiers come out.

soldier 4: what was that?

soldier 5: did you hear that?

soldier 6: where those bird calls?

soldier 7: that’s a weird bird

sam: wait, don’t uncouple anything yet. if you go down the train sending out bogus bird calls, maybe everyone will leave the train.

birdie: and then detach the rail cars?

sam: bob’s his uncle

birdie: who?

sam: never mind

tina smiles at sam and says: do it. let’s see what happens.

the hummingbird flies up and down the entire length of the train sending out bird calls into the woods.

soldier 3: those aren’t bird calls. someone’s out there sending messages to one another. he gets on his walkie talkie and announces “i want everyone in the woods now! those aren’t bird calls.”

about 100 soldiers leave the train and enter the woods. the hummingbird flies down the train, looking through the windows of the remaining cars to make sure no one is left on the train. there are a few stragglers and servants left on the train but the first 5 cars are empty. the hummingbird flies to the coupler of the 5th railcar and decouples it.

tina: fly under the train and wait. let’s see if anyone comes.

after a 20 seconds, no one comes and the hummingbird proceeds to the engine car.

birdie: nice. i think we’re in the clear

once inside the engine car, the hummingbird starts up the engine. Through the intercom an angry voice says, “what’s going on?”

the train pulls forward with only the first 5 cars.

angry voice: “stop the train and turn off the engine immediately! that’s an order!”

Judaun: man he sounds pissed

tina: hummingbird is gonna need air support. move in and blow up anything that gets close to the head of the train. we need to widen the gap.

bo quickly moves out of cover and heads towards the head of the train. bacon and bitz both get on the two gunners.

angry voice: all hands. stop that train now!

several soldiers run out of the woods and head for the train, but are cut off by the osprey shooting at them

Judaun: i thought bullets didn’t hurt ’em.

tina: they don’t, but we’re not trying to kill them. we’re trying to slow them down and widen that gap.

as the soldiers try to catch the train, the osprey fires to slow them down and the gap widens. after about 20 secs the train has pulled up about 3 miles and is too far for moreno’s team to catch up.

tina: this looks pretty good. birdie, do a final check to make sure no one is on the train.

birdie: copy that

the hummingbird double checks the remaining cars on the train; study, lounge, dining, food/kitchen and they are all empty

birdie: we’re clear.

bo lowers the osprey and lands on the last train car.

tina: let’s make this quick people.

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