

Through the earpiece, Jesse says, “Phew. I’ma need some Pepto Bismol after this. Y’all got me shitting bricks out here.”

Meanwhile, The Head Footman is leading Nathan to the other tailors. Of course, they know that he isn’t with them and will object, so his “current” plan is to get away from The Head Footman. He’s served his purpose.

When a male servant passes them in the hallway, Nathan notices that his uniform is almost identical to The Head Footman. The only difference is that The Head Footman is wearing a jacket. So, Nathan decides to go back to Plan A and says, “Nice uniforms. Who makes them?”

The Head Footman says, “We use a service.”

Nathan asks, “But not our service?”

The Head Footman says, “No.”

Nathan says, “Oh, that explains why there’s a…well…never mind. It happens when you hire mediocre tailors.”

Clearly offended, The Head Footman stops and says, “Excuse me?” He turns around with a look on his face as if he’d just been slapped.

Nathan says, “Your suit doesn’t fit you correctly.” He points to his back and continues to say, “It pinches here and therefore is too tight here.”

Intrigued, The Head Footman says, “Hmmm…I noticed that it pinched, but I thought that was standard.”

Nathan says, “It’s only standard with mediocre tailors.” Nathan looks around and asks, “Is there a mirror in one of these rooms? I can show you what I mean.”

The Head Footman says, “Yes. Right this way.” He leads Nathan to a nearby room.

Nathan continues to say, “The way a suit fits gives a certain impression. It’s important that it fits correctly.” They both enter the room and Nathan quietly closes the door behind them.

The Head Footman says, “I agree-” Nathan knocks him unconscious with a small statue.

Through his earpiece, Nathan says, “I found another servants uniform.” He changes his clothes and says, “I’m going back to Plan A.”

Through his earpiece, Jesse says, “Good. I liked that plan better anyways. Where you at Sully?”

Sam and Sully are still following The Butler. Sully says to The Butler, “This is some place you got here. Do you ever get lost?” The Butler doesn’t answer so Sully repeats his question a bit louder the second time. “Say there, do you ever get lost?”

The Butler answers, “No.” Sully looks at Sam as if to say, “That didn’t work.” At the end of the hallway, they pass a painting of a large Golden Peacock on the wall.

Sam decides to give it a try and says, “Whoa! That’s a nice painting. Where’d you get that?”

The Butler says, “You’re not interested in the painting and I’m not interested in this conversation.”

Sam says, “Excuse me?”

The Butler turns to face them. He looks Sam up and down and says, “You’re excused.”

The Butler turns back around and continues as if nothing is wrong, but Sam is furious. He walks right up behind The Butler and raises his fist, but Sully pulls his hand down before he throws the punch.

Sully whispers, “We can’t afford this right now.” Sam calms down to the best of his ability…which isn’t much considering that he really needs a cigarette…and oh yeah, the alcohol didn’t help.

The Butler stops at the first room on the left, turns to face them, extends his hands towards the door and says, “They’re waiting for you.” The room has two double doors, but the doors are closed.

Sully walks towards the door and is about to open it, but Sam stops him and says to The Butler, “Aren’t you going to open the door?”

The Butler says, “Excuse me?”

Sam walks right up to him so that he’s uncomfortably close to his face and says, “You’re not excused. Now open the fucking door.”

Sully takes a step back, gestures towards the door and waits for The Butler to open the door.

The Butler opens the door and repeats with hint of annoyance, “They’re waiting for you inside.” The Butler is slightly blocking the door. Sully walks around him, but Sam deliberately bumps him with his shoulder as he walks in.

Jameson cheerfully greets them with, “Ah Mr. Sullivan. How good it is to see you.” He walks over to Sully and shakes his hand. Then to Sam he says, “And you must be Mr. Drake.” The Butler closes the door and leaves the room.

Sam says, “Just Sam.”

Jameson says, “Ah the older more experienced of the two brothers. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Sam shakes Jameson’s hand and says, “I see my reputation proceeds me.”

Eagerly, Jameson says, “It does. Can I assume that you were driving the jeep?”

Sam says, “Uh…”

A man from the connecting room says, “Don’t concern yourself about the jeep gentlemen. It’s not important. The key is what’s important.”

Sam and Sully look towards the doorway of the connecting room. A man with the build of an NFL player enters the room wearing a brand-new suit. He’s accompanied by the two tailors from earlier, tending to it.

Jameson gestures towards the man and says, “Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce you to Lucius Moreno, the leader of this fine organization.”

Moreno greets them with a smile and says, “It is such an honor to meet the great heroes of our endeavor. Mr. Drake and Mr. Sulivan.”

Sam and Sully look at each other with a curious expression, then Sully says, “Not sure I’ve ever been called ‘hero’ before, but I’ll take it.”

Moreno dismisses the two tailors with a wave of his hand. The Butler escorts the tailors out as Moreno admires himself in the mirror.

While looking at himself, Moreno asks, “Out of curiosity, where is the jeep? Our GPS says it’s at the bottom of a ravine.”

Nervously, Sam clears his throat and says, “Well…your GPS is not wrong.”

Moreno says, “It isn’t? Hmm.” There’s an awkward pause. Then he turns around and asks, “Did it help you in any way?”

Still nervous, Sam says, “Hell yeah it did! It saved our lives.”

Shocked, Sully looks at Sam and says, “Sam!”

Confused, Sam says, “What?”

Moreno says, “Peasant…’language’…isn’t aloud here. You do understand?”

Sam answers, “Sure.” He didn’t, but he kept his cool. He figures now is a good time to stay quiet…and he really needs a cigarette.

Through the earpiece, Nathan says, “What an ass.”

Cut to:

INT. Jesse’s Van – Day

Jesse says, “Copy that. Asshole on deck.” He rubs his hands together then asks, “Ok, I’m still waiting on your location. What’s up?”

Jesse watches as the tailors get back into their truck. The truck shakes a bit as they enter but nothing concerning. He refocuses on the house looking for signs of their location.

Sam casually walks to the window and through his earpiece, he says, “Nice view you got here. How’d you find a place like this?”

Jesse says, “I see you. You’re on the 3rd floor. Nathan!”

Through his earpiece, Nathan says, “Copy that. I’m on my way.”

Jesse says, “I need a raise. I can’t with y’all and this unprofessionalism.”

Nathan asks, “Unprofessionalism? Spell it?”

Jesse says, “F-U-” Jesse stops mid joke. He sees The Lady exiting of the tailor’s truck. Jesse yells, “Shit! She’s here-“. He’s knocked unconscious from behind.

Through his earpiece, Nathan says, “Jesse? Jesse!” No one answers. “Crap. This just got complicated.”

Cut to:

INT. Palace Room – Day

Sam and Sully look at each other. Without saying they both agree they need to hurry up and leave.

Moreno asks, “Gentlemen? Did you hear what I said?”

Sullivan says, “No. I’m sorry. Can you repeat that?”

Clearly annoyed, Moreno says, “I don’t repeat myself. Jameson? If you would be so kind.”

Jameson impatiently repeats the question, “May we see the key gentlemen?”

Sully says, “Let’s see the money first.”

Jameson goes into the connecting room and returns with a very large case. He gently sets the case on the table and opens it.

Jameson says, “May we see the key?”

Sully removes a velvet bag from his jacket, pulls out the key and sets it on the table next to the money. The key lights up lights up and shines throughout the room. Moreno picks up the key and is mesmerized by the light coming from it.

Sam casually walks to the case to examine the money. Moreno is offended, looks at him with disgust and screams, “Peasant! How dare you have the audacity to count your payment infront of me!”

Livid, Sam asks, “What the fuck you say?” He doesn’t know how he’s a peasant, but he knows what an insult is.

Moreno screams, “Get out! Take your payment and get out!”

Sully pulls Sam back and says, “Come on Sam.” He closes the case as The Butler opens the door to escort them out. They’re both silent as they leave the room, although Sam is definitely on edge.

Cut to:

INT. Palace Hallway – Day

Nathan has been running all over the third floor unable to find them. But when he passes the painting of the golden peacock, he finally sees them leave the room. He immediately assumes perfect posture as he has to play the role of servant.

The Butler says to Nathan, “You there. Tend to the Master until I return.”

Nathan says, “Yes sir.” Sam and Sully continue to follow the butler to the front door.

When Nathan enters the room, Jameson is opening a wall safe. He takes out a journal. Nathan casually walks to the bar as Jameson opens the journal and takes a seat. He pours two glasses of brandy while thinking, “I should’ve brought something to drug them with.” then serves them from a silver tray.

Jameson says, “Finally, we have all the pieces. With the key to greatest secret treasures of the Incan empire we can-“

Moreno says, “Is that all you care about? Treasure?” He looks at him with disappointment.

Ashamed, Jameson says, “Of course not my lord, but ‘The Room of Gold’ is beyond legendary.” Unable to contain his excitement, he continues to say, “It’s said to be full of priceless treasures from around the world. Even ‘The Staff of Ayar Manco’ is said to be there.”

Stiffly, Moreno says, “Only The Beautiful Light matters.” He takes a drink as he casually walks across the room.

Jameson says, “But with ‘The Staff of Ayar Manco’ we can see-“

Moreno says, “That’s enough!” He turns to face Jameson and continues to say, “Our mission is to acquire one thing and nothing else!”

Jameson concedes and says, “My apologies my lord.” He refocuses his attention to the journal.

Through his earpiece Nathan hears the sounds of a tussle. Then Sam says, “You got something else you wanna say to me?!”

Meanwhile, Nathan casually walks over to Jameson to refill his glass. Even though he hasn’t taken a drink, Nathan tops off his glass anyways so that he can take a glimpse at the journal. There’s a drawing of The Staff of Ayar Manco. The description says, “It grants the holder visions of their greatest desires.

Refocusing, Moreno asks, “Any word from Team Beta?”

Jameson says, “Yes. The local mercenary group has stopped attacking the train station. I suspect they’re regrouping.”

Moreno says, “Annoying distractions.” He takes a drink and continues to say, “They’ll be the first to fall to the beautiful light.”

Jameson says, “Team Beta has been tracking their movements attempting to find their military base. We should have it before their next attack.”

Moreno says, “Good. And the train?”

Jameson says, “The train is nearly ready. We’ll be ready for departure soon.”

Moreno says, “Call the remaining Knight Lights to the palace. I want everyone suited and fully supplemented for the journey.”

Jameson says, “Yes, my lord.” Awkwardly he continues to say, “My lord, there’s been sightings of strange men in dark cloaks.”

Moreno says, “The Librarians.” He finishes his drink and continues to say, “They’re coming for the key.” Nathan quickly walks back to Moreno to refill his glass.

Jameson says, “They’re going to be a problem.”

Moreno says, “Not this time. I won’t allow it.”

Through an earpiece, Sully says, “Hey Nate. We’re out, but Jesse’s hurt. Hurry up and get the key and get out. We’ve got another player on the field.”

Through his earpiece, Sam says, “And kick them in the balls while you’re at it.”

Moreno continues and asks, “The Librarians are clever. They could be anywhere.” Nathan has no idea where the key is, only that it’s in this room…and that journal is tempting.

Jameson says, “Or anyone. They’re masters of disguise.”

Moreno says, “It could even be a servant hired to wipe my derriere.”

Shocked, Jameson says, “My lord!”

Moreno finishes this drink quicky, then says, “Just incase, I want background checks done on everyone working in the palace.”

Jameson says, “Yes my lord.”

Moreno sets his drink and the key on the tray then says to Nathan, “Put this in the safe and seal it.”

Nathan says, “Yes sir.” He turns to walk away but before he takes a step Moreno says, “What did you say?”

When Nathan turns back around, Jameson is pointing a gun at him.

Jameson says, “Who are you?”

Nathan says, “Who am I?” He’s got nothing, so he continues with the first thing that comes to his head and says, “I’m here to wipe your derriere.” Then like a frisbee, he throws the tray at Jameson as hard as he can, knocking him off balance. He runs out the door with key in hand, followed by gun shots.

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