The Great Escape

nathan slowly opens his eyes. he’s still hanging by his wrists from the ceiling, in great pain with bruises all over his body. chloe hangs infront of him and is still unconscious. She has bruises all over her face.

nathan whispers, “chloe. chloe.” He looks her over and sees that she’s also bleeding from her wrists. He looks up at his on wrists and sees that he’s also bleeding from his wrists.

nathan whispers, “don’t worry. i’m gonna get us out of here.” he tries pulling himself up to reach the ropes holding his wrists before falling back down. he contemplates another attempt when he hears the door oepn behind him, so he closes his eyes and pretends to be unconscious instead.

Moreno and Jameson enter the car with two knights and a servant. Jameson says, “Mr. Drake, we need to talk.” Moreno and Jameson casually take a seat while the server prepares two glasses of wine.

nathan doesn’t move, so one moreno’s guard punches him in his side and nathan raises his head with a groan.

Jameson says, “first i should inform you that your friends have escaped our trap. but they had help from a nearby militray force. do you know anything about this military force?”

nathan says, “no.”

jameson says, “nothing?”

Nathan says, “no nothing. i’ve been hanging out with you this whole time. how could i know them.”

the servant serves jameson and moreno a drink.

jameson says, “well your friends seem to know who they are. our scouts saw them driving off with them.”

nathan says, “then ask them.”

jameson says, “i’m asking you.”

nathan says, “well i’ve got nothing.”

moerno says, “ask him about the attack on the palace.”

jameson asks, “what do you know about the attack on the palace?”

nathan says, “what attack?” jameson nods to one of the guards and the guards punches him..

jameson asks, “do you remember now?”

nathan says, “yeah i remember. i remember how your mother squealed like a pig when we were-” the guard cuts him off with a punch to the face.

jameson says, “you were recently there and you know the ground.”

nathan says, “i said i don’t know ok.”

jameson says, “well then i’ll ask ms. fraser. wake her.”

one moreno’s guard slaps chloe across the face and she raises her head with a groan.

jameson says, “aren’t you looking lovely this morning.”

Chloe says, “still the same ole jack ass.”

jameson: we were just talking about the attack on the palace. do you know anything about that?

chloe: how would know anything about that. i’ve been hanging here this whole time.

nathans: hey, that’s my line

chloe rolls her eyes

moreno: ask them if the mercenary group is looking for the treasure

jameson: i’m getting there

moreno: what did you say?

jameson: my apologies my lord, but these things take time. we have to work our way to that question.

moreno: you’ve taken long enough peasant. leave us.

jameson: yes my lord. he bows and leaves the train car and the servant refills moreno’s drink

moreno: i’ve been searching for the room of gold all my life. (incredibly long speech with more info on the knight lights, library of the moon and room of gold) so you now you must understand my concern for anyone attempting to acquire anything inside the room of gold. you must tell me who are these mercenaries? what do they want? do they have the key? name your price.

nathan and chloe are silent

moreno: name your price. any treasure you want from the room of gold shall be yours.

the train slows down

moreno: what’s this? to the servant: contact the engine room and find out what’s going on.

the servant calls the engine room from a nearby phone

the servant: there’s a rock slide on the tracks. they need to remove it before we can proceed.

moreno: to both guards: don’t just stand there. go help them.

both guards leave the train car

moreno: now, where were we? that’s right. ahh the deal.

the train shakes and the lights flicker as it comes to a stop.

moreno: to the servant: call the engine room. and prepare me another drink.

the servant calls the engine room again

the servant: they’re asking you to come to the engine room.

moreno: fine. tell them i’m on my way.

moreno leaves the train car. the servant moves quickly to cut chloe free

nathan: who are you?

the servant: quiet. they can hear you.

chloe is freed from her bonds and she starts cutting nathan free

the servant: we don’t need him

chloe: i owe him a debt.

the servant: we’re gonna get caught

moreno enters the train

moreno: i should’ve known

Moreno charges nathan and tackles him to the ground. chloe grabs a bottle of wine and cracks it across moreno’s head. it shatters but moreno is not effected. he looks up at her with eyes of steal, then grabs her by the throat, stands up and lift her off the ground. Nathan punches him and the groin but moreno is uneffected.

moreno gives nathan the look of death and nathan says “i am so sorry.”

moreno grabs nathan by the neck and raises him off the ground. chloe jumps on moreno’s back and bites his ear. moreno throws nathan into the wall and pulls chloe off his back, slamming her into the ground. the servant throws a flash bomb at moreno and it goes off in his face.

the servant grabs nathan and chloe and leads them out the back of the train car. the servant locks the door.

the servant: are you alright?

nathan: yeah. i’m alright. my eyes were closed when-

the servant: i wasn’t talking to you.

chloe: i’m alright, but that blast blinded me. i can’t see a thing.

nathan: don’t worry. i’ve got you.

the servant: she wasn’t talking to you either.

chloe: it’s alright charlie. lead the way. we’ve gotta move.

charlie: groans: fine. follow me and keep up. charlie moves to the next train car. it is equipped with 2 tanks.

nathan: were you talking to me or-

charlie: you’re a comedian? hmpf, we don’t need a comedian.

chloe: safety first, argue later.

nathan helps chloe cross to the next train car. he protects her head and guides her steps as he follows charlie to the next car that has a helicopter. the helicopter is equipped with two guns. one at the front and another inside the cabin.

charlie: do you have your sight back?

chloe: not really.

charlie: well, that sucks.

nathan: can’t you fly this thing?

charlie: no. can you?

nathan: no

charlie: then shut up.

nathan: we can’t stay here. we have to get off this train and the helicopter is our best bet. anyways, i know how to fly a plane.

charlie: this is not a plane

nathan: i can improvise.

charlie: oh for fucks sakes

chloe: we don’t have time for this. they’ll be here soon.

nathan: what if we detach this train car? that could buy us some time.

charlie: good idea. you detach the train car while chloe and i will hide in the helicopter until she gets her sight back.

chloe: charlie

charlie: what?

chloe: alright, just hurry up

charlie: no worries. i’ve got you.

nathan climbs down to the train tracks: she was talking to me. charlie and chloe get into the helicopter.

the train slowly starts moving again, but nathan continues to uncouple the rail car while avoiding any injury. he closes the angle cock of the rail car, then lifts the cut lever. the air hoses make a loud popping sound when they separate as the train car pulls away. then he hears the locked door of the train car burst open.

soldier #1: did you hear that?

soldier #2: yeah, but wasn’t that the train moving again? probably just something on the tracks.

soldier #1: i don’t know, maybe. let’s check the next car.

nathan ducks down beside the rail car to let it pass, before climbing onto it from behind as it slows to a stop. however, the rest of the train continues to speed up as it moves away from them.

when nathan climbs into the helicopter, chloe is already in the pilot’s seat preparing for lift off.

chloe: let’s get out of here. the propellers start up and the helicopter lifts up off the rail car. in the distance a soldier shouts “stop the train!”

chloe: that was almost too easy. a sword comes flying through the side window of the helicopter and sticks to the ceiling near the pilot’s door.

chloe: and that’s my cue. she flies away from the train, ensuring a safe distance between them.

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