The Long Run

sully falls to the ground as he finally catches up to the rest of the group

sully: i’m getting too old for this shit

explosions go off in the distance as another buoy is triggered.

B: they’re getting closer

B: yeah, but they’re smaller and they’re not as many RPGs going off either. we must’ve taken out a bunch of them.

Tina: we still can’t linger. we have to keep moving. she looks at sully with sincere concern. then asks

B how much further.

B: about 2 more miles

tina deeply concerned: set the timer to 90 seconds.

birdie: copy that. then prepares the buoy.

tina: ready?

sully: hell no i’m not ready.

tina: i wasn’t talking to you

sully: of course you weren’t

birdie: ready

tina: let’s go. she looks at sully and says, “don’t fall behind.”

tina and her team start running, leaving sully, sam and judaun behind

sully: passed out from exhaustion, in the middle of the forrest, while hunters chase us, with RPGs and a concerned ex-girlfriend sets a bomb right beside me. i really need to rethink my life.

Judaun: shut the fuck up bruh. we all know you’re not gonna quit.

sully looks at sam who is looking out over the landscape and showing no signs of exhaustion: why aren’t you tired?

sam confused: i don’t know, but i’ve been drinking from this flask and gets giving me one hella of a buzz

sam gives sully the flask and he takes a drink.

sully: mmm…that’s good. what is that?

sam: i don’t know

judaun sticks his hand out: give me some

sully hands the flask to judaun and he takes a drink

judaun with a terrible country accent: well gat damn. that’s gud! Where’d you find it?

Sam: i found it when we raided the train

Judaun: good find

sully miraculously stands up and is no longer out of breathe. judaun also feels better

judaun: we only have about 30 seconds. we better get moving.

sully, sam and judaun start running after tina’s team

they jump over a log but judaun trips over a log and falls to the ground

sam: really?

sam and sully pick him up. they start running again. they jump over another log then tumble and roll down a hill that turns into a mud slide. they are now a safe distance away from the buoy, but the slide ends in a fall. they jump to the other just in time and avoid the fall. then start runnng again.

judaun: are you sure they came this way? looks back at the mud slide the just jumped from

sully: maybe, maybe not but we could probably get away from them right about now. continues running

sam: with all those hunters chasing us with RPGs? climbs up a cliff. No, we still need her protection.

Judaun: wait. what’s going on? crawl along the side of the cliff

sam: tina means to kill us. we’ve got to get away from her somehow. climbs up again

Judaun: you sure?

sully: definitely. slides through two tight rocks

Judaun: how come y’all always fucking around with some bitch that’s trying to kill us? crawls alongside of the cliff

sam: can we focus please? we’ve got problems. He stops to enjoy the view. Feast your eyes gentlmen

Sully: Wow

Judaun: Yeah, whatever. Alright fine let’s focus. climbs down a cliff. did you find anything during the raid that’ll keep us from dying?

sam: no…well yes…actually no. continues to climb down a cliff

judaun rolls his eye

sully: i found a pen

judaun: what’s that gonna do? jumps down the rest of the way.

sully: this pen is funny looking. he takes it out, turns the end of it and a laser beam comes out and burns through the corner of his shirt. god damnit!

Judaun: a laser pen?! you found a laser pen?

sully: we can use this to escape

judaun takes it from sully’s hand: definitely. all i need to do is hook that up to something from birdie’s stash.

sully: you think you can acquire any of his equipment?

Judaun: think? judaun pulls out one of birdie’s buoys from his jacket pocket.

Sam: nice! then bumblebee comes out of the brushes from the right and says, “por aquí!”

Reluctantly, the team follows bumblebee. Judaun puts his buoy in his jacket pocket as they follow her in silence as they run the way to tina’s team. birdie is preparing release another buoy.

tina: thought we lost you.

sully: getting tired of me already

tina: hmm…maybe. how are you feeling?

sully: i’m alrught. how are you feeling? you almost sound concerned.

tina: almost doesn’t count

sully: of course it doesn’t.

birdie: the buoy is ready to go

tina: let’s go

sully: i need a minute

tina: you have 90 seconds

sully: you’re too kind

tina smiles. tina and her team start running, leaving sully, sam and judaun behind again.

once they’re out of ear shot sam asks: is that one of the ones that’ll blow up? sam takes a drink from the flask, then gives it to judaun.

judaun: nahh. he keeps those separate. you want me to get one of those? Judaun takes a drink.

sam: can you?

judaun: i can try. judaun hands the flask to sully.

sam: there you go. we’re looking better already. sully takes a drink.

sully: we’re still in deep shit sam.

sam: i know. just celebrating the small almost sorta victories

Sully gives the flask back to Sam and he puts the flask away.

Sully: we’d better get moving.

sully, sam and judaun start running again as explosions go off in the background.

sully: i hate those god damn things. run across stream

sam: yeah, but unfortunately those explosions mean we definitely can’t leave her yet. climb up cliff that leads to plateau.

judaun: so, what are we gonna do? run across plateau

sam: what can we do? we’ll have to wait to see what we find at the village. continue to run across plateau. keep an eye out for any opportunity that presents itself. come to a cliff with a hanging rope that tina left for them

judaun: agreed. anyways, i forgot to ask you what you found during the raid. swings to other side of cliff.

sam: a puzzle box.

judaun: a puzzle box. ok, what’s it do? continue to run.

sam: i don’t have it. tina took it.

judaun: of course she did. crawl through crawl space

sam: she’s got in a backpack along with a wooden chest. climbs down cliff

judaun shrugs his shoulders: ok…so…what’s in the chest? start running again

sam: i don’t know. he takes out a key. but i bet this key opens it. stops to show them the key.

judaun: da fuck?

sam: if we could get close to it, we could be looking at another payday.

judaun: nigga have you been paying attention. we’re trying to get away from the bitch.

sam: yeah, but if we can get either one of those-

judaun: shut the fuck up.

sully: sam, are you seriously so blinded by treasure that you can’t see the gun barrel staring you down?

sam: will you two stop. for all the complaining you two are doing we are all having fun, so just cut the crap already.

judaun: we’re running around in the middle of the jungle, with a crazy bitch that wants to kill us, away from a crazy asshole that also wants to kill us and you think we’re having fun?

sam: always the pussy puck bitch aye?

judaun punches him and the face and they start fighting. they roll down a hill. sully follows them down the hill as they roll right into tina’s encampment.

B: hey!

sam and judaun stop fighting and look up at B who’s pointing a gun at them.

tina: glad you could join us. it seems you all are feeling better.

sully runs down to meet the rest of the team

tina gives them all a curious look: we’ve got about a half a mile left to go. you’ll be keeping up this time.

sam and judaun look at each.

sully: as you wish

tina: ready?

birdie: ready. releasing buoy now.

tina: let’s go

the whole team starts running the last half mile to the village.

tina: so, what were you guys fighting about? jump across fault crach in ground

sam: nothing

judaun: yeah…nothing

B: i call bullshit. continue to run

B: i second that

B: remember the last treasure hunter we were babysitting? run across stream. what were they fighting over?

B: umpf…treasure

B: $5 says they were fighting over their cut. slide down rope down cliff

B: what cut. we don’t have it yet. i think they were fighting over bailing out. continue to run.

B: haha. whatever. it’s one thing i know about treasure hunters is that they have huge egos. they’re not bailing out. climb over wall of boulders.

Judaun: you know we can hear you.

B: ok fine. what were you fighting over?

sam: nothing. continue to run.

the gates of the village come into view as they approach

jimmy: finally. we made it

shots ring out in the air and the team takes cover

B: da fuck!

sully: i thought you said these guys were your friends

someone from the village calls out to them and says, “quien esta ahi” (who’s there)

tina: bumblebee, you got em?

bumblebee: lo tengo (i got him)

tina comes out from cover and says, “mi nombre es tina oeste. bajad las armas y acequemonos!” (my name is tina oeste. put down your weapons and let us approach) (accent over the 2nd e)

voice: no se tina oeste (i don’t know tina oeste)

tina: no me conoces?! (you don’t know me)

voice: no, no se- (no. i don’t know-)

muffled argument. seconds go by and tina is becoming more annoyed. she’s about to yell again when the gates open.

a man comes out with his arms wide open and says, “friends, please come. you are most welcome here.”

they quiet approach the gate, but tina is furious

tina: what is the meaning of this? we’ve biven you protection for many years and now you’re shooting at us?

the man: i apologize. we’ve had a few uninvited quests come our way. some of have become nervous. he extends his hand to shake tina’s. my name is julio.

tina: who was the asshole who shot at us?

julio: is was a warning shot in the air. i take full responsibility for that. he was following my orders. he didn’t know. please allow me to fully apologize by offering you and your team drinks and refreshments. it looks like you need to rest.

tina: we’ve got hunters following us

julio: we will take care of them Carlos! we’ve got hunters coming. take them out!

carlos: plan a or plan b?

julio: plan b

carlos calls for extra armed men to go to the wall.

bumblebee: i can help

julio: no, that’s not necessary. my men can handle it. you need to rest. he opens his arms leading them towards a cantina. they all follow him.

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