To Catch a Thief

Sam and Jesse drop off Nathan and Sully at a local rent-a-car shop before securing a surveillance hide out.

Before leaving the car, Sully asks to Sam, “Where are you going to be?”

Sam says, “I saw an alley a few blocks down. Looked like a good place to set up.”

Sully says, “Set up?”

While looking at his laptop, Jesse says, “Don’t worry Sully. The radar is already transmitting and the drone has already been deployed. There’s not much going on.”

Sully and Nathan get out of the car, but before walking away Sully says to Sam and Jesse, “Keep close watch you two. I don’t want to be caught out in the open with all my business hanging out.”

Jesse says, “Eww. Why would you say it like that?”

Confused, Sully says, “Like what?’

Sam says, “Seriously?”

Nathan says, “Come on Sully. We need to hurry.”

Nathan and Sully walk up to the shop where they are greeted by an eager rental agent.

Rental Agent says, “Good afternoon, my friends. How may I help you?”

Sully says, “We’re looking to rent a jeep?”

The Rental Agent says, “A jeep, yes? We have many of jeeps? What kind of jeeps?”

Sully says, “Any off-road jeep will do.”

The Rental Agent says, “Ahh yes, we have off-road jeep. Follow me.”

Nathan and Sully follow the Rental Agent to a small collection of jeeps.

The Rental Agent says, “Is this what you’re looking for?”

Sully says, “Eh, not quite. Is this all you got?”

The Rental Agent says, “Yes sir, but they are good jeeps.”

Sully says, “Maybe, but they’re not what we’re looking for.” Actually, the jeeps are exactly what they’re looking for, but Sully doesn’t want the agent to know that, so he continues to say, “Come on Nate, let’s go to the shop down the street.”

They turn to walk away when The Rental Agent says, “Ahh, I know the shop down the street. They are very expensive, but for you I have a good deal.”

Sully stops and says, “I’m listening.”

The Rental Agent leads Sully towards to a red jeep and says, “This jeep just came in this morning. Very nice. Good condition.”

Sully asks, “How much?”

The Rental Agent says, “It’s $300 for a jeep but for you, I charge only $200.”

Sully says, “Bye.” Then turns to walk away.

“$175.” Rental Agent says, “You will not find a better deal.”

Sully says, “$100.”

The Rental Agent says, “I have to make a profit or the boss gets angry. $150.”

Sully says, “No way am I paying that much.”

Nathan walks over to a motorcycle and asks, “How much for the motorcycle?”

Annoyed, Sully says, “We don’t need a motorcycle.”

The Rental Agent says, “$75 for the motorcycle. If you rent both then $200 for the pair.”

Nathan asks, “Sully?”

Sully says, “No!”

The Rental Agent says, “Let me get the key for a test drive.” Before they can object, he disappears into the shop.

Sully says, “This better work Nate.”

Nathan says, “Trust me, it’ll work.”

Through his earpiece, Sully asks Sam, “Anything on radar?””

Sam says, “Well Jesse did get a reading on a couple of local street walkers. He’s investigating the situation. That’s all we got so far.”

Sully asks, “Oh yeah? Where are they now?”

Nathan says, “Really Sully?”

Sam says, “Currently? Lupe trying to persuade Jesse to part with $20. And Maria…well…”

Annoyed, Nathan says, “Lupe and Maria?”

Shocked, Sully says, “$20?!”

Nathan says, “The things you find down random alleys.”

Sam continues to say, “And it looks like they’ve got a 2 for 1 deal going on, so maybe after we finish this job we can shop around.”

Sully says, “I’ll put it on the list.”

Annoyed, Nathan says, “I’m about to drive around as bait and you guys are shopping for hookers?”

Sam says, “Ok fine, I’ll get you one too.”

Nathan says, “No, just-“

The Rental Agent comes back with 2 sets of keys. One for the jeep and another for the motorcycle. He gives Nathan the keys for the motorcycle and says, “Try it. You’ll like.” Urging Nathan to try the motorcycle.

Nathan easily concedes and says, “Ok, I’ll just drive around a bit and come back.”

The Rental Agent says, “Yes, yes. enjoy.” Then says to Sully, “I have a nice jeep for you. Come let me show you.” Sully follows The Rental Agent towards the red jeep.

Nathan drives to the edge of the parking lot, looks down the street and sees a motorcycle speeding towards him from 2 blocks away.

Through his earpiece Nathan says, “Uh…Sam?”

Sam says, “We’ve got company.”

Annoyed, Nathan says, “No shit.”

The motorcycle speeds passed him, but before he can react, two cars make a sharp turn at the corner and pull in right behind the motorcyclist.

Nathan asks, “Was that Chloe on the bike?”

Sam asks, “Chloe?”

Nathan peels onto the road and joins the chase.

Sam asks, “Nathan? What are you doing?”

Nathan says, “She’s got the key.”

Sam says, “Shit.” He scrambles to get Jesse back into the car while getting rid of the street walkers. He pays them for the work they’ve done before pursuing Nathan. Unfortunately, the chase is over a mile away by the time he starts.

Nathan catches up to the nearest car and shoots out it’s back tire. The car spins off the road and crashes. While Nathan closes in on the second car, two motorcycles coming from opposite sides of the street, slam into him, pinning him between them. Nathan fights them off as best he can while trying to maintain control of the motorcycle.

Nathan says, “Stop trying to kill me.” He steers his motorcycle hard right, forcing the motorcyclist on his right to veer into a parked car. The motorcyclist on his left pulls out a gun and Nathan screams, “No no no!” He breaks, forcing the guy to pass him. Then Nathan speeds back up and rams his back tire at an angle, forcing the motorcyclist to spin out.

As Nathan closes in on the last car. the passenger of that car starts shooting at him. He fires back killing one of the passengers and says, “Bonk!” He pulls up beside the car to shoot the driver but the car slams on his breaks causing Nathan to speed passed him. Nathan says, “Hey, that’s cheating!” Now he’s swerving around the street trying to avoid the car while the driver shoots at him.

Through his earpiece, Nathan screams, “Sam, where are you?!”

Sam says, “I’m coming! Just don’t die.” Sam follows Nathan’s trail of destruction, as he safely drives around the first car accident. But he still can’t find Nathan.

Sam asks Jesse, “Where’s he at?”

While looking at the laptop, Jesse answers, “Not far ahead. We’re gaining.”

Sam asks, “Are these Stiletto’s guys?”

Jesse says, “I don’t know, but something looks suspicious up ahead.”

Sam says, “What kind of suspicious?” As they approach the location where the two motorcyclists went down, gunmen start shooting at them.

Sam screams, “Shit!” He turns down a street to avoid the gun fire.

Jesse says, “Like somebody’s-gonna-shoot-at-us kind of suspicious.”

Now Sam has to take the long way around to reach Nathan. Through his earpiece Sam asks, “You still alive Nathan?”

Annoyed, Nathan asks, “What’s taking you so long?”

Sam says, “Traffic is murder out here.”

Sarcastically, Nathan says, “Haha, very funny.” He swerves to dodge another bullet then screams, “Hurry up!”

Finally, he catches up with Chloe, but her motorcycle is on fire. Nathan pulls in beside her and asks, “Need a lift?”

Chloe says, “I’d love a lift.” She hops onboard his motorcycle and kisses him on his cheek.

Chloe says, “My hero.” She turns and shoots the driver of the last car following them and it rolls off a bridge.

Flirtatiously, Nathan says, “Well, I can’t resist a beautiful lady in distress.”

Chloe says, “That’s some pick-up line.”

Nathan says, “Pick up, yeah, I get it, ’cause I picked you up.” He swerves around another obstacle and continues to ask, “Who were those guys? Friends of yours?”

Nonchalantly, Chloes says, “Eh, just an old boyfriend.”

Shocked, Nathan looks back towards Chloe and starts to say, “Boyfriend-” but they’re side swiped by a car they didn’t see turning onto the street. Nathan and Chloe are both thrown from the bike as it spins out of control.

Sam is closing in on Nathan, when Jesse says, “Whoa, slow down.”

Sam asks, “Why?” But does as he’s told.

Jesse says, “They got him.”

Sam asks, “What?”

Jesse says, “There’s about five cars surrounding Nathan and Chloe right now.” He turns to look behind him and continues to say, “And 2 or 3 more gaining on us. We need to get off this road.”

Sam says, “Shit.” He turns off the road and catches a glimpse of Nathan and Chloe being put into the back of a car.

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